• Jason F.

    Shingles were painful and very uncomfortable. After taking the product (HEKA), I have not had anymore discomfort or issues with shingles. THANK YOU!!

  • Trudy B.

    I was excited to hear that there was a product out there that could possibly help with shingles, which isn’t a medication. When you go into the Dr’s office, they throw 3- prescriptions at you and they don’t even know if they work or not. The drink didn’t taste bad at all, so it was an easy drink. You get 8 small bottles and drink one every other day. This was easy to drink and had easy instructions, so when you are in that much pain there is not much to remember, and easy to follow. I would most definitely recommend this to anyone dealing with shingles. If you want help to lessen the length of shingles, get this product. 

  • Julie M.

    Right before I turned 50, I got something on my back that itched. I later asked a friend to look at it and she said it was shingles. Ugh, just the word made me want to throw up. I did not want to have these, so I was more than willing to try this product (HEKA) and I have not had any breakouts since. I would recommend this to anyone to avoid them coming to the surface.

  • Cory L.

    I have been getting cold sores off and on for years. I had given up on treatment until I came across this product (HEKA). It's been 6 months and ZERO breakouts.

  • Victoria A.

    At first, I wasn’t sure I
    would ever get to the point where I had no outbreaks. I had them at least 3-times a month for the last year. A few months ago, I was introduced to the product by a good friend. I didn’t even hesitate on taking the product I just needed anything to help alleviate the excruciating pain and stress that came with the outbreaks. So, I took a leap of faith. After taking the product for a couple of weeks and following the instructions precisely. I immediately noticed the results. It has been 3 months since taking it and I haven’t had one outbreak! On top of that, I have been able to eat the same foods that used to trigger my outbreaks! I am so thankful for this product. It has boosted my confidence not only in myself but in my relationship. I would highly recommend it to anyone dealing with the same thing! I genuinely don’t know what I would have done without it!

  • Saul R.

    I used to get really tiny cold sores on the inside of my lip since I was a teenager. Nothing too dramatic but irritating whenever I got them. I get them about twice a year. Usually around summer and fall. Ever Since I took the product. I haven't experienced any cold sores!

  • Chris H.

    Taking HEKA was one of the best decisions I ever made! Before taking it, I had been suffering from painful sores for months and nothing seemed to help. After taking HEKA, however, all of my symptoms digressed within weeks and I haven't had any issues since. Thank you HEKA for giving me relief!

  • Celeste R.

    I had almost given up hope of ever being able to get rid of my cold sores. I had tried so many different products and treatments, but nothing ever worked. Then I found HEKA and it changed my life! My cold sores are gone and have been for 6 months now! It's amazing - thank you HEKA!

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